Keeping Your HVAC’s Humidifier Running

HVAC humidifiers are crucial in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment, especially during a dry winter. While these devices offer numerous benefits, they can also experience problems affecting their performance. Due to this not being a component that individuals are very familiar with, they may not know how to respond if their HVAC humidifier system suffers a major failure.

Why Is Your Humidifier Not Producing Enough Moisture? 

An incorrectly set humidistat is one reason your humidifier may not produce enough moisture. The humidistat is a device that measures and controls the humidity levels in your home. If the humidistat is set too low or has become faulty, it might not signal the humidifier to produce enough moisture.

Another possible cause of insufficient moisture production is a restricted water supply. The water flow to your humidifier can become limited due to blocked or damaged valves, clogged filters, or kinked water lines. Check these components for any issues and replace or clean them to restore proper water flow to your humidifier.

What Should You Do If You Notice Mold Or Mildew Growth In Your Humidifier?

If you discover mold or mildew growth in your humidifier, the first step is to turn off and unplug the unit to prevent further damage or the spread of harmful spores. Mold and mildew can adversely affect indoor air quality and pose health risks. After turning off and unplugging the unit, clean and disinfect the affected parts thoroughly. Remove any visible mold or mildew growth using a sanitizing solution. For stubborn spots, you may use a solution of bleach and water. After cleaning, rinse the components with water and let them dry completely before reassembling and restarting the humidifier.

Why Is Your Humidifier Making Weird Noises?

Strange noises from your humidifier can be due to loose or dirty fan blades. Dust and debris on the fan blades can cause an imbalance that creates unusual sounds. Humidifier noises could also be indicative of problems with the motor. A worn or damaged motor can produce grinding or squealing sounds that can be disruptive and signal potential failure. In such cases, it is essential to consult an HVAC professional to diagnose the issue and replace the motor if necessary.

How Often Should You Replace Your Evaporator Pad?

The evaporator pad, also known as the water panel or filter, plays a crucial role in your humidifier's performance. It absorbs water and allows air to pass through. In the process, this adds moisture to the circulating air. Over time, mineral deposits and debris can accumulate on the pad, reducing effectiveness. Generally, replace the evaporator pad at least once every season to maintain optimal performance.

Contact a local HVAC service to learn more about humidifier repair.
