Deciding Whether To Hook Up To Natural Gas Or Stick With LPG

Many homeowners living outside of municipalities rely on liquefied petroleum gas for heat. Commonly called LPG and propane, this fuel is delivered by trucks in locations where utility companies have not extended natural gas pipelines. At some point, the natural gas company in this area may extend the pipeline as the population grows. When it's time for furnace replacement, property owners now might consider making a switch. Taking Time to Decide Read More 

Your First Home Plumbing Inspection: What To Expect

Scheduling an annual plumbing inspection is a great way to keep your home's entire plumbing system well maintained. After all, a regular inspection can alert you to potential plumbing issues early on, while they can still be resolved with relative ease. If you're thinking about scheduling your home's first plumbing inspection, you may be wondering what to expect from the whole process. Costs and Scheduling One of the more common questions homeowners tend to have about plumbing inspections is how much they'll cost. Read More 

Useful Indoor Air Quality Services For Homeowners

The air quality around your home is something you want to review often because if it's negatively impacted, that can lead to serious health issues. Here are just a couple of indoor air quality services you might utilize for better control of this aspect of your home.  Duct Sealing A duct system is able to hold up for a long time, but there will be a point when tears happen and sections come out of position. Read More 

Installing A New Gas Furnace For Your Home

When a furnace starts to reach the end of its usable lifespan, it may suffer declining performance. This limits its ability to warm the interior of your home, which leads to you needing to replace it with an upgraded model. Professional furnace installation contractors will be able to assist you with this project so that you can upgrade your heat without increasing the risks or challenges that this project may involve. Read More 

HVAC Services: 4 Critical Signs That Your Furnace’s Useful Life Might Be Over

Winter is here! And this means that you should invest in a fully-functional furnace for your comfort and health. When maintained properly, a furnace can last for about 15 to 20 years. However, the lifespan of your furnace may also depend on how often it is used and its type.  The unit uses ducts to distribute the heated air throughout the house. Once your furnace starts to malfunction, heated air will not be evenly distributed in your property. Read More