You got through last year's hottest days with your current air conditioner, but you aren't sure if you can brave another season with the same AC unit. You are ready for an upgrade, or are you? Maybe your current air conditioner is just fine, but the way you've been using it that needs a change. Are you ready for a new air conditioner this season, or will your current one continue to provide you with reliable service?
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Your family most benefits from the HVAC system inside your home on days with the most extreme temperatures outdoors. Ensuring a working system on the days when temperatures are most unforgiving is important, particularly if you have young children to keep warm or cool down. If you're not comfortable somewhere in the house and it doesn't seem like the system is functional, attempt these tasks
Try the Batteries
Panicking when you'd like the heat on but it's not working is not an unnatural reaction.
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A frozen air conditioner may sound good, but it isn't. You may want to feel freezing cold on those hot summer days but if your air conditioner is freezing, it means that it isn't running properly and could possibly be shutting down altogether. A frozen air conditioner can occur if you have a clogged air filter or from improper air flow to the condensing unit, as well as other issues. Read on for repair and prevention tips for your air conditioning unit.
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When the weather gets cool outside, you begin using your heating, but it is only working half as much as it will be when the weather gets really cold. Therefore, you want to be sure your heating is ready for cold winter weather. Some of the maintenance that should be done includes changing the filters and cleaning the furnace. Here are some of the maintenance and repairs that you want to do to your heating before the next blast of cold air:
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There are so many home preparations to take care of when that winter weather approaches. You can find yourself trying to beat the clock as winter storms get closer and closer. While you are tending to things like weather stripping and windows, you don't want to forget about tending to your HVAC system to make sure it fairs well during those storms. Here are tips for protecting your system.
Protect all pipes
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